
Paris in December

(My photo of) Promenade Plantee in Paris. A wonderful Saturday morning walk, felt a bit out of place as the only person not briskly jogging but it was still good.

(My photo of) Parc Andre Citroen in Paris. Bit of a weird one, wonderful reflections though.

(My photos of) Parc de la Villette, Paris. Bernard Tschumi done good! Not bad for an architect… Ahaaar!

Some of the themed gardens were a tad literal (bamboo in the Bamboo Garden) but I’m just being sniffy because my tutors insist on high level concepts that tie my brain in knots.

*Pretentious use of words alert* Materiality as a language works effectively for wayfinding and changes in level are visually abrupt but experientially smooth transitions. The framing of spaces and flow between open and enclosed areas is at times disorientating but not unpleasant and informs an extensive range of activity opportunities, which seemed to be taken full advantage of (even on a chilly Sunday morning).

Overall, a delightful few hours worth of exploring and getting distracted by shiny things and even if Deconstructivism isn’t your thing, at least the maintenance barriers and other paraphernalia didn’t seem crudely out of place.

 - Orignally posted to untroddenview.tumblr.com on 4/12/2012

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